
RightStart™ Math Level E Second Edition eBook Lessons

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You will need the RS2 Level E Worksheets & RS2 Math Set to teach RS2 Level E if not previously purchased. Please see options below.

The RS2 Level E lessons works with multiplication of multi-digit numbers by two-digits, division of multi-digits by a single digit, and equivalent and mixed number fractions. It also works with prime numbers, factors, decimals to the hundredths, and percents. Algebraic concepts are introduced and problem solving is emphasized throughout. In geometry they study classification of triangles and polygons, symmetry, reflections, angle measurement, and work with 3-dimensional figures. Measurement, elapsed time, distance, money and capacity problems are explored.

Review lessons are included for a child beginning with the RightStart™ program.

This eBook version of the RS2 Level E Lessons Book will be accessed in the Kitaboo app. You will receive email instructions on how to obtain the Kitaboo app and access your eBook Lessons.

NOTE: Orders are processed on the next business day. You will not receive your email instructions until your order is processed. Any physical materials added to this order will be shipped to your mailing address.

The e-book is not a printable document.


You will need the RS2 Level E Worksheets & RS2 Math Set to teach RS2 Level E if not previously purchased. Please see options below.